Thankyou everyone

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Donship for you all!

Gents....fetch your monocles.

I truly believe Thundy looks like his avatar in real life :D

Welcome back Neil. I vote name change to Neil80 now though!
Ah, yes, musn't forget 5UB. Has helped me with many purchases here!

If you don't like it, don't post in the thread. Simples.

i aint mad but its a bit of a friday night hoo haarr for basically nothing ;)

funny how its weekend drink is a funny thing and can cause instant reaction to people.
neil would be a great don, and it would be good for him after all this stress.


You are joking right?

You are all joking right?

I mean yeah the ban was a little suspect in terms of justification but some of you are acting like you just defeated communism.

I'm pretty sure people are joking now to relive the tension that we were caught up in.
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