Highlights from the last few days...
Squat 180kgx5x6 strange, felt strong yet simultaneously like a bag of balls. Ankle is behaving differently after treatment which might explain it. Also, the bar was terrible and was almost folding in half with the weight on it, it was greasy so it was slipping down my back, and the floor was a little slippy too :/ Had an absolute mare on the second rep of the third set, don't know exactly what happened, but I think the bar and my foot slipped at the bottom of the rep and I had to sit in the hole and re-adjust. Then adrenalin took over and I deliberately did 6 reps instead of 5, no idea why! It turns out this is the best core workout going, I'm still feeling it!
Wanted to front squat, but ankle is still mending so I did some leg pressing up to 400kg, then some other messing about
Bench 105kgx6x3 success! Activated my supraspinatus before with cable stuff, tweaked my form (engaged my traps slightly) and benching felt stronger than it ever has. No bicep tendon pain either, and it feels like I'm going to have DOMS in my back tomorrow. Didn't have time for a full 6 sets so did some speed work to re-learn my new form.