*** The 2011 Gym Rats Thread ***

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It could be a few of the British cyclists but Sir Chris Hoy is the obvious guess. That's what happens when you spend most of your working life pedalling a bike fast though.

Yeah. A guy who probably can't list all the gold medals he's won in sprint cycling off the top of his head. You'd be shocked if he DIDN'T have a decent set of wheels. :D
They look like they'd take up less space in the gym bag/weigh less than regular trainers, too. I'm struggling to find reasons not to buy a pair.
Awesome. More grip than being in socks too.

lol but socks have zero grip? :p

On a side note, I have my MRI scan on my knee tomorrow to assess the damage done (pretty sure it's a torn meniscus) :( Not a great way to kick start the new year. Can still rock upper body workouts though......:o
I wore socks in the gym once, then had someone drop a 18kg dumbbell on my toe. How it didn't break I'll never know, but now I just stick to trainers. I do sometimes squat in socks though
well 2 months down from doing something to my right leg/knee and it feels about right. just in time for january. see if i can get some gym time in the new year now and try not to bugger it up again.
Highlights from the last few days...

Squat 180kgx5x6 strange, felt strong yet simultaneously like a bag of balls. Ankle is behaving differently after treatment which might explain it. Also, the bar was terrible and was almost folding in half with the weight on it, it was greasy so it was slipping down my back, and the floor was a little slippy too :/ Had an absolute mare on the second rep of the third set, don't know exactly what happened, but I think the bar and my foot slipped at the bottom of the rep and I had to sit in the hole and re-adjust. Then adrenalin took over and I deliberately did 6 reps instead of 5, no idea why! It turns out this is the best core workout going, I'm still feeling it!
Wanted to front squat, but ankle is still mending so I did some leg pressing up to 400kg, then some other messing about

Bench 105kgx6x3 success! Activated my supraspinatus before with cable stuff, tweaked my form (engaged my traps slightly) and benching felt stronger than it ever has. No bicep tendon pain either, and it feels like I'm going to have DOMS in my back tomorrow. Didn't have time for a full 6 sets so did some speed work to re-learn my new form.
Going to ditch my next cycle of Bill Starr's 5x5 in the new year and concentrate on my weaknesses which are speed and my posterior chain muscles.

Thinking of doing the following but am open to suggestions:

Squats 5x5
Deficit Speed Deadlifts 8x1 (45-65%)
Good Mornings 5x8
Leg Press/Front Squats/Zercher Squats 3x8
Calve Raises 3x8

Bench Press 5x5
Box Speed Squats 8x2 (45-65%)
Incline Dumbell Press 3x8
Seated Dumbell Shoulder Press 3x8
Close Grip Bench Press 3x8

Deadlifts 5x5
Speed Bench Press 8x3 (45-65%)
SLDL 5x8
Wide Grip Pull Ups 3xF
T-Bar Rows 3x8
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