The 2012 Chilli growing thread - the second burn!

13 Jan 2003
I'll be growing chills again this year now I have a south facing garden (get in!). Back one again for the annual burn-fest!

This thread is for growers - old hands and beginners alike! So if you have growing questions, recipes or set up some trusted swaps - this is the thread for you!

The only guidance I'd give to start - if you go super hot (nagas etc) then the plants usually take longer in the english climate and may not fruit this year.. but the beginner can start with chilli seeds, a pot, some soil and a warm window sill - there's plenty of experience on the board now!

2011: Last year's scorching thread can be found here
2010: Building on that experience can be found here
2009: The original thread can be found here.

Thinking of growing chilli plants this year?
The thread staying in here then? I thought it would be better in GD (not to step on anyones toes there).

If this is the proper thread I can post a load of pictures of ongoing chilli projects :p.
Going to try and bring last years plants in at the weekend and turn the grow lights back on. That way if they don't do well, still have lots of time to plant up and get some chillis out for the summer.

Need to change the pots, add some more soil and put some stakes in to help support it.

Also been reading up on scarid flies, they really peed me off last year and this seems to be recommended on last of forums.
Provado Ultimate Bug Killer

I'm also out of chilli focus. Think I'll go straight for a 5l bottle this time.
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Last year i grew Tabasco (best chilli ever imo...), Aji Lemon (deceptively hot and quite pretty looking) and Cherry Bombs(round Jalapenos).

The Tabasco plant is actually still alive on my windowsill (in a 12 inch pot no less!) albeit looking slightly anaemic.

I think this year, I'm going to have another stab at Jalapeno and maybe a jumbo bell variety. If the Tabasco fruits again, then it'll be a bonus!
My chilli plants grew plenty of chillies last year but I kind of neglected them for a bit and they ran out early in the season.

The Tobasco plant Absomalutely gave me grew two chillies to about 2cm length. Useless. Don't trust him! (It was given to me free and to be fair the plant grew really bushy. :rolleyes: Just no chillies. :()

This year I will be moving into my own man pad (hopefully!) with a south facing balcony perfect for a few plant pots. This will include at least one chilli!
I've got Habernero's, Scotch Bonnet's and Cayennes in the propagator now, and some Jalapeno's and ornamentals doing ok in small pots allready.

Should be a good year! Got my seeds ordered and will have a nice selection. Building on from what I learnt last year should result in greater success! :D

I'll be starting some of mine within a week or two. Began in Feb last year and I think the Scotch Bonnet/Habenero plants could have done with a little more growing time to get the most out of them before the season began to come to an end.

Will be trying Jalapeno, Demon Red, Curry, Georgia Flame, Habs and Cayennes this year.
Think I may give this a try as well, probably bell peppers and a chilli or two.

Where's the best place to get seeds from and will they be ok I guess growing on a window sill?
Yeah no problems on a window sill. Mine were there for the majority of last year.

You can get them from Wilko, local DIY place, garden center. Or I can recommend SowSeeds. Cheap seeds, cheap postage and quick delivery.

OR its 3 for 2 on Thompson and Morgan at the moment.
Just got some bigger pots, compost, plant ties and bug killer. See if I can get these things revived. No chilli focus, do any places like b&q sell it, non in home base.
Tempted to turn my old PC case into a some grow room for a couple of chilli plants. Also works for growing you know what! :P
Right, well one plant is reported and under 3 or the 9 grow lights. Do plants go into shock if to fast a change in heat? Or should I just whack all 9 on? Need some more supplies for the others, Hopfully do them tomorrow.
Want to get on early invade they don't work, then still plenty of time for seeds.

I think it looks remarkably good, for being out side with zero protection.



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I'm growing my first chillis this year!
I have 5 F1 Alphas growing in a large pot at the moment which have developed into a small bush too big for the kitchen window sill (no greenhouse).
They currently live in my bedroom where they (and I) don't get enough sun - will they survive outside in the conservatory where they will be protected from the wind/frost but not the cold?
They also started flowering but gave up presumably because of the lack of sun. Should I just keep do my best to keep it alive in the warmth indoors until spring when it can go outside?
Also starting to see bugs, can anyone recommend a spray?
What are the best ones to grow and where do I buy the seeds? I started by veggies (non chillies) late feb last year so i'm going to start late Jan in propagators.
I cut back both my Scotch Bonnet plants to just 4" stubs, and they are sitting nder my tv being overwintered.

Come March, back on the windowsill they go, and hopefully they will spring back to life.
Right, very quick question as my finger is hovering over 'proceed to checkout' - I was planning on planting Tabasco, Jalapeno and Scotch Bonnet seeds.

Is it too late to plant any of them if I want a crop this year? I was going to get some chilli focus to help them along.
Edit bonus question: Am I going to need to heat them somehow to get the seeds to start growing? I was just going to stick them on my window sill.

Second (low priority question): Does anyone know those long green peppers that kebab shops tend to put with their salads? They look similar to green Hong Kong Chillis:

They aren't very hot but I like them pickled, so if you know what they are likely to be (I know different places use different things) that would be great :)
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