***The 2021 Gym Rats Thread*** ᕦ( ͠°◞ °)ᕥ

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@reiyushin or anyone who does or did his programs. Do you increase the weights for BP after week 1? Or is it the same weights throughout the 4 weeks? Then new PR then more weights?
On a positive note I hit new record for CGBP: 70x8. Finally elbow a lot better and can push it now.

On the negative side this month I've only met my calorie count 8 times out of 22 days.. My deficit brings me in around 2800 calories max. On the other 16 days ive been hitting an average of 3000 calories. Getting kinda sick of the cut lol.
Still making regular bench and squat PBs, should be an interesting weigh in tomorrow. Still gaining 0.5-0.7kg a month, but going to need to trim down slightly soon. Body fat is staying pretty low on the whole though.
Any recommendations for those massage guns? Brother wants to buy one around £80.
I just realized my bulkpowders creatine scoop is wrong. Bought a kilo bag 10 months ago. Just checked almost 200 grams left.

One and a half scoops should be 5 gram according to the pack.

I think it's a good idea to measure these scoops from now on...
Just signed up to a local gym down in West Sussex. It is a Wellness one and from the photos, seems well equipped! Bring on the 12th!

Getting my brother involved (so he can drive me :o) so going to explore full body workouts rather than PPL. Maybe 5 x 5 but I cant get get along with the barbell row movement. :(
Just signed up to a local gym down in West Sussex. It is a Wellness one and from the photos, seems well equipped! Bring on the 12th!

Getting my brother involved (so he can drive me :o) so going to explore full body workouts rather than PPL. Maybe 5 x 5 but I cant get get along with the barbell row movement. :(

I'm signed up with a Wellness gym. Very well equipped and the equipment is fantastic and modern, but I do find that it's not worth logging in on all the machines.
C’mon Monday evening. On nights this weekend so I’ll be a bit zombified but can’t wait to get under the barbell even if I’ll just be working out where I’m starting from again.
Well I'm never going back to the gym I don't think - last year was the catalyst for the wife and I to clear out half of our garage and put a home gym together and honestly I think at this point I've already progressed further than I ever did going to commercial gyms before. Sounds ridiculous but I guess it's a combination of not having to work around other people in the gym hogging equipment (which always annoys me and can actually almost be demotivating) and the reduced barrier to actually going

But beyond a handful of tips from my Dad when I was younger and what I can glean online (though I really dislike most of the youtube channels I've seen) I'm kind of just winging it. I can only do 3 days a week so I've been doing PPL Mon / Weds / Fri and I think it's going alright. Try to keep progressing though I doubt I'm putting up anything like the numbers I've seen discussed on these threads just yet :D Think my bench is at around 60, Deadlift around 80, Squat around 60 though it's increasing faster than the others (this is really the first time I've bothered with legs at all!)

The main thing I'm wondering is how readily I should accept not being able to progress the weight? Like on Monday for instance I started at 60 on bench (after warming up) and would normally have been aiming to go up a little bit (maybe do 2x5 at 60 and then go to 62 or something for another 3x5) but by the end of the first 2x5 it just didn't feel like going up was a good idea - I don't want to injure myself or anything. But now I'm wondering have I thrown away any progress I'd have made this week or am I good provided it still feels hard enough to lift the weight?
Any recommendations for those massage guns? Brother wants to buy one around £80.

Orbital polishers were doing the same thing before massage guns became a thing.. They are also much cheaper.

But if he wants a massage gun, then ignore. :D
@reiyushin or anyone who does or did his programs. Do you increase the weights for BP after week 1? Or is it the same weights throughout the 4 weeks? Then new PR then more weights?

Missed this post. Same weight for the 4 weeks.

Personally I don’t test my max, if I’ve hit every rep and set then I increase the weight either by 1.25-2.5kg. I also go on shorter cycles for bench and squats - I do week 1 day 1 and week 2 day 1, then put up the weight and repeat. I don’t do the deadlift program anymore, I prefer to have a short sharp deadlift session and then to do rows, shrugs, pull-ups.
Looks like my local gym is officially opening on Monday now, although its changed from 6am to 8am. So, will have to work it in around work, but actually excited to start again probably start up a new log to keep track. First few session will probably be puking up my guts after running the prowler :D
Missed this post. Same weight for the 4 weeks.

Personally I don’t test my max, if I’ve hit every rep and set then I increase the weight either by 1.25-2.5kg. I also go on shorter cycles for bench and squats - I do week 1 day 1 and week 2 day 1, then put up the weight and repeat. I don’t do the deadlift program anymore, I prefer to have a short sharp deadlift session and then to do rows, shrugs, pull-ups.

**** yeah 4 weeks of the program done and I've got a new PR. 100 KG baby. Lovely program I've been benching 3 times a week whilst doing 5 days. Push pull legs upper lower. On the first leg day I just bench and squat lol. And throughout I've been 2-300 calories below maintenance.

How many times a week you doing at the moment?

Not sure whether to have a deload week now or continue the program with higher weights.
**** yeah 4 weeks of the program done and I've got a new PR. 100 KG baby. Lovely program I've been benching 3 times a week whilst doing 5 days. Push pull legs upper lower. On the first leg day I just bench and squat lol. And throughout I've been 2-300 calories below maintenance.

How many times a week you doing at the moment?

Not sure whether to have a deload week now or continue the program with higher weights.

My routine at the moment:

Sunday - chest
Monday - legs
Tuesday - shoulders
Wednesday - rest
Thursday - arms
Friday - back
Saturday - rest

I never deload. I do have occasional ‘off’ weeks where I miss the reps/sets I’d expect to hit, so I figure that’s my body forcing me into a deload.
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Sheesh back after 4 months out.. everything felt heavy as expected! Went in and did easy numbers on chest, shoulders, triceps, biceps, core.. will deal with the bad Doms now and hit lower body! Hard to get back into it without pain.

End of first lockdown I ended up hitting arms, hard on day one.. massive regret as I couldn't hold a mug for a week :D
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