The 2405 has to go, help me with a (some) replacement(s)!

Vigil said:
Don't forget: if you go dual-screen, say goodbye to FPSes.
What on Earth are you talking about? From what I understand the OP wants to downgrade from 1x 24 inch monitor to 2x 17/19" monitors so he can play games on one and do something else on the other? How is going dual screen going to affect his first person shooters?! :p
Nixeh said:
how the hell are you having trouble with framerates on your dell2405fpw with the rig you have in your sig link? :confused:

look at my rig with everything on high full aa af and 1920x1200 i get 30fps
fish99 said:
Because 1900*1200 is a heck of a lot of pixels, even for 7800 GTX SLI. You don't get double the performance from SLI either. Pixel shader effects, as their name suggests, are per-pixel effects, so they become dramatically more demanding as your screen res increases. And the latest games like Fear have just tons of pixels shader effects.

Fine here on 7800 GTX on most games. Havent tried fear but i didnt enjoy it on my last system so i doubt i'll play it now. I just cant have AA all the way up. Absolutely noway could i go back too a 17" :)
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