The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)




#i like driving in my car#
Guild Wars @ Xmas

started a new character yesterday and spent almost the whole day and night playing, im finally making myself go to bed but it is still calling me back for more.

hope u all like the xmas theme, first pic is my new (fake :))fur-lined outfit



Here's a couple I took whilst playing SF yesterday on my new PC.. The game looks soooo awesome now!



I love BF2:SF now it looks and plays well:D
paddya said:
Is it better than FSEnvironment?

Yeah. Basically its a real-world weather updater than renders the clouds/winds etc in real life every 5 or so seconds. It's similar to the real world weather in FS but a lot more realistic and doesnt take 15 mins to update whilst flying.

FSEnviroment uses different mixes to render different clouds, but the number of combinations are limited. I use Flight Enviroment from Flight1, which can render up to 30,000 clouds combinations. Obviously, unless you specifically move the sliders for each and every flight, the weather will look very similar, so by using Active Sky 6, you basically never see the same two skies twice (as in real life) and you have that added touch of realism.

Check out for more details, or just add me to msn ;)
OzZie said:
Yeah. Basically its a real-world weather updater than renders the clouds/winds etc in real life every 5 or so seconds. It's similar to the real world weather in FS but a lot more realistic and doesnt take 15 mins to update whilst flying.

FSEnviroment uses different mixes to render different clouds, but the number of combinations are limited. I use Flight Enviroment from Flight1, which can render up to 30,000 clouds combinations. Obviously, unless you specifically move the sliders for each and every flight, the weather will look very similar, so by using Active Sky 6, you basically never see the same two skies twice (as in real life) and you have that added touch of realism.

Check out for more details, or just add me to msn ;)

Must admit I have tried ActiveSky before so think I will try again. I always use realweather in FS, in fact my startup flight is using it, but it's not that accurate.

Will test ActiveSky 6 to compare. Just noticed I meant Flight Environment and not FS lol
SiD the Turtle said:
Technically not, but the one of the reasons last one was killed was due to pointless score screenshots, so its kind of 'bad form' rather than rule breaking to do it.

Fair enough, I didn't see the last thread so wouldn't have known.
SiD the Turtle said:
Technically not, but the one of the reasons last one was killed was due to pointless score screenshots, so its kind of 'bad form' rather than rule breaking to do it.

totally, the last one got filled with CS score tables (mostly fakes) which is the most boring thing i can think of looking at and just general willy-waving about how great some people are (in public servers anyway).
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