The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

fullfat said:

That happened to me once :o

I was just running along through a base, saw a shadow on the ground, looked up, and *splat!* :D
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
And even more amazing then that how a 7800gtx can run cod2 at 1600x1200 with 4xaa and af on and all other settings pretty much highest :D

why is that amazing, you do realise the 7800GTX is one of the most powerful cards on the market atm dont you
lol the knife one was really about my dead clan mate and the way he fallen to the floor, the other boat one wasnt me, but to do it u need to drive over a rock and it pushes ** front end up if i remember get the knife like that u just stand there and dont move, it makes other hand movements also
elite said:
nick_cfc im [MPUK]elite, well i dont play it anymore...didnt no you read these forums. i27?

hello mate. yeah i stupidly signed up on here with my hotmail addy rather than the real name i use online.

not sure about i27 as im not playing any games competetively anymore, just got back into BF2 though, but only play for fun. Still running 10 kind of, but we dont compete and our website is broke.
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