The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

nikebee said:
check out the elderscrolls website/forums for mods... more than likely somebodies made one, or play in third person.

Raikiri... how's oblivion run on your rig with everything cranked up at that level... i play at 1024*768 with "most" settings on high and i've got a better system than you :p

was it just for that shot?

Runs "ok", in dense forest it gets a bit choppy (22fps in places) but is fine whenever inside, I had been playing at 1680x1050 with 2xAA until I got outside :p
Raikiri said:
Runs "ok", in dense forest it gets a bit choppy (22fps in places) but is fine whenever inside, I had been playing at 1680x1050 with 2xAA until I got outside :p
aah okay :)

looking more into it we've pretty much got the same spec (didn't read your clocks)
4000+ @ 2.6GHz (100mhz fast, not gonna much a huge difference)
2GB G.Skill (might be a better boost)
7800GT @ 490/1800mhz

so shouldn't be too different, think i'll crack up the settings a little bit... i've got everything turned on, only things i've dipped a bit are the draw distances on tress/people/grass i think. playing with 2xAA, Bloom and 4xAF (in GFX card options)... HDR looks lovely but i can't play without AA, they've done a decent job making it look good without it, but its still too crackly for my liking.

i'm getting around 30-40ish outside, and 70ish inside... got about 75 staring at a wall
More shots from 'that' game.

All max settings except shadows.





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ajgoodfellow said:
Evolution GT:


Set 6xAA in the options but it seems to have completely ignored it!

check your graphics cards driver settings, make sure AA and AF are "APLICATION CONTROLED"
Thanks for the comment - I've checked but they are set to "Application Preference"

Maybe it's something funny with that game and 6xAA? IIRC if you set 6xAA on HL2 with an nVidia card it would turn it off?
ajgoodfellow said:
He did - sorry!

Didn't read it properly and assumed that it was Oblivion as that's the rage at the moment and it's the only one that stops you using the Print Screen method!

For WoW it's easy - hit Print Screen, paste it into Paint and save as a jpeg

no need to paste it, wow saves screenies in its dir, just use infra view to change format to.jpg
NightSt@lk3r said:
A random name

is that with bloom or HDR as it looks like they have AA in them
it does looks like it has AA in the screenies, but you can't take screenshots with Oblivion if AA is on... unless he's using some third party screenshot-grabber-do-hickey ?
ajgoodfellow said:
Thanks for the comment - I've checked but they are set to "Application Preference"

Maybe it's something funny with that game and 6xAA? IIRC if you set 6xAA on HL2 with an nVidia card it would turn it off?

I'm pretty sure it's because Nvidia cards don't do 6x AA.
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