The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

graw out for pc?

let us know *** the last 3 levels are like, on x360 they were preety dman buggy, the starjump bug when lying prone made it hard to finish the game

and yes compared to the pc orignal and addon packs, its way more arcedey than the oprignal, and co-op mode is ruined by the lack of maps
i hope thats not the finished game.
the 3 tanker things though look like theyre waiting for some art/ad's to go on them so maybe they have still got stuff to add the the gfx side of things
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
Graphics don't look that impressive.
I don't think those are at max settings.

The HDR effect also isn't present in those pictures that i've seen in screenshots before. Not sure if that's becuase HDR+AA = nono again :(
Thought if you were Beta Testing a product you weren't allowed to release information/screenshots on them?

I'm most likely wrong though.

Death on wheels!

Setting up a car-bomb that i actually managed to take out a tank with. :D

Although one pack of C4 rolled under the car. =/
Spunj99 said:
The other one. SA:MP. It's not out officially yet though.

The sync on it is unbelievable, it's almost like playing single player with other people around. (except there's no traffic and peds etc).


mate whats the 'other' one? :eek: :cool:
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