The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

After seeing those pics of nfsmw, i decided to dig it out the draw and give it a go myself again. I love the thrill of racing like a lunatic, and not hitting anything while listening to smack my bitch up :D lol

Anyhoo after a few hours playing here's my evo.

Untitled 1.jpg

Untitled 2.jpg

Untitled 3.jpg
-Tauren- said:
I havent bought a car since the first car you have to buy :p well, apart from this one, i've got the pink slip on every rival so far lol.
Ive only got 2 pink slips.
Golf and the Supra.




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My warlock on Agamaggan EU, currently in 3 parts of my felheart tier 1 armour (yay for mc)

Also showing my cluttered ui :) i love it :P
BloodWolf said:
firthy15 - how do I make my WoW look like that! Looks amazing.. :eek:

Urm..? like what exactly :)

And im really worried that i can name most of invoke's equipment....

Aurostone hammer, Stormrage cover, arlokk hoodoo stick, cenarion spaulders (LOL Tree)


Restoration druid ***
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firthy15 said:
Urm..? like what exactly :)

And im really worried that i can name most of invoke's equipment....

Aurostone hammer, Stormrage cover, arlokk hoodoo stick, cenarion spaulders (LOL Tree)


Restoration druid ***
Like your interface is different from the default one :cool:
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
And someone already mentioned that he'd mentioned that it raped his FPS :D

someone else mentioned that i meantioned that, but then you mentioned it and also the other guy mentioned it, and now im mentioning it.
:D :D :D :D

heh ah well now im using Mgrab for screenies the fps laggy bit wont be a prob

and now i also feel like playing nfsmw again
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