The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

FrontSideBus said:
No offence but having ocuk car textures is a bit, well... sad...

Thats for when they race as an OcUK group.
Its no worse than half the clan tags you see out there. Hell, there is a group of people from here who are in the OcUK Corporation in Eve:Online. Those textures'll certainly make them stand out from the crowd of racers. You might as well say Ferrari are sad for insisting their F1 cars are red.
No offence but I think you should STFU. :p

Its normal for LFS teams to have team skins so what is wrong with our OcUK Racing one exactly, considering our members are from OcUK?
That ocuk car skin is pretty nice, Anyone mind posting it so i can use it :p . Thats if im allowed , i only play the s2 demo atm.
damn thoise screenies want me to play lfs again, damn shame i dont have much free time these days
Can see my team skin:
Hehe, that new assault looks cool, can't wait to try it.

You can certainly tell Source Engine based games a mile off, the textures and lighting have a very distinct look!
HOLY **** i've never been so impressed with a map remake. That looks truly fantastic. I can't wait to leave this damn university hall building so I can finally play MP games again.
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