The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

i just love the high ress pack, so so good!
im going to play the whole game again tomorrow.

i just love this caption on the right...

and you must have alook at this! in full! ;)
geeza said:
id love to see fraps running with fps displayed on those shots of sup com
So would I. Since the update saves don't work, so this is my only save atm. Not as good as the other shots sadly.





The FPS is quite a bit worse than I thought it would be. The gameplay doesn't seem to suffer much from the low fps though.
Medieval 2 Total War! screenshots.

here is just a taster of what i could submit, but due to the fact i cant work out my medieval preference file, because i want to zoom right down to the floor, and get rid of everything in the way of words/boxes/banners/ all that, so its just pure game/screens

here is a couple..
might take some time to load... due to there 1920x1200 ;)
and yep... full it plays like that too. 2007-02-27 17-20-48-48.png 2007-02-27 17-22-02-73.png 2007-02-27 17-32-29-23.png

i just did a quick battle for screens as im still trying my settings out ;)
If I install the cinematic mod do I have to have a soft porn Alex? I want to play a serious FPS and a lot of those models just don't fit in.
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