The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)




screenshots really dont do justice to how stunning the Hires textures are in Lotro
Got garrysmod this morning, been playing with it

Unoriginal I know but I was quite proud, especially as I managed to make them look all camp too :p


EDIT - YMCA incase its too bad for anyone to recognise :p
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I thought my lambo was a one of color. The one on the left is mine, but this guy has almost the same color scheme as mine :o
SideWinder said:
Well that makes it boring...where's the fun in hiding now when people can see how the map is laid out? :(

It's like the old radar, but with the map. Been there for a good few months now lol.

There's a console command to change it back to the round radar, but tbh i prefer the new map.
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