The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

Its not that. You seem to have this natural ability to annoy people. Yes I live in norwich but Im not from the UK. I find it hard to beleive you are 10 years older then me. Stereotyping people isn't a nice thing to do either. Like coming from braintree essex makes you the elite of the UK?!
Bald-Eagle22 said:
like WTF do i just sit there and take it ?

when your in the wrong yes, you was out of order and you know it, so you just have to sit back and take the flack, after a day everyone would have forgotten about it but when you carry it on like this it don't help you at all and I'm afraid a ban rather a suspension may be heading your way :( .
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dafloppyone said:

Dude I played X3 and NEVER remember it looking that good!!

Is that a mod for it or something? :)
MoNkEyMiKeY said:
Its not that. You seem to have this natural ability to annoy people. Yes I live in norwich but Im not from the UK. I find it hard to beleive you are 10 years older then me. Stereotyping people isn't a nice thing to do either. Like coming from braintree essex makes you the elite of the UK?!

Sigh , to much caffine by the looks of it ?
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titaniumx3 said:
Don't worry bald-eagle, the fact that someone just put you on their ignore list just goes to show how uptight people are around here.

No titanium I just don't take to kindly to being called a carrot muncher or inbred. I come here to see peoples interesting screenshots not scoreboards. And its a well known fact that anyone who posts scoreboards gets atleast a page worth of flaming :D Just follow the rules and everything is rosey.

On the uptight/rule controlled OcUK I used to dislike it also. But Ive learnt to live with it. Many people come here, including people of all ages. Why should a 37 year old man be encouraging people to stereotype people becuase of the place they chose to live at. Its plainly small minded.

Also this the last time Im commenting on anything non screenshot related. If I post another comment flame me if it does not come accompanied by a screenshot.
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