The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

UKTopGun said:
RCT2 just wasnt as good :( RCT1 was always the best :D

Nah, i thought that, but i installed both recently and after playing RCT2 it was hard to go back to RCT1 because of all the nice little refinements you don't really notice otherwise. :D
1mm3 said:
Some sort of mod surely? i dont remember seeing them models in the original, lol

its zero hour. you can use the suicide bombers to take over any civilian vehicle lol. hence why i chose the bug and what looks like a mercedes A class :D

the motorbikes are awesome!! i love playing the american campaign, the first mission has a cut scene at the start with like 50 of these motorcycles ramping off this cliff thing.

you can also do that in the game, ramp them down most ledges and jumps lol. its the most fun team to be. forgot the name of them :p
Half life 2, mixed with smod and Fakefactory's cinematic mod


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aob said:
Half life 2, mixed with smod and Fakefactory's cinematic mod[IMG]


That looks awesome mate. I'm just trying to download the Cinematic Mod right now. 3 and a bit gig though :eek: .
Longbow said:

Is that at night time??? how did you get that? i cant find night maps in skirmish :( i love those choppers that can drop napalm bombs, they rock :D especially when your fighting the chinese troop specialist team lol.
-Tauren- said:
Is that at night time??? how did you get that? i cant find night maps in skirmish :( i love those choppers that can drop napalm bombs, they rock :D especially when your fighting the chinese troop specialist team lol.
There are several maps at night time, including one that has thunder.

Don't know any of there names though.
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