The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

One from Lost: Via Domus

Never did complete VC. Played it for the PC about 2 years ago and got about 75% of the storyline completed before i my save game became unplayable and wouldn't load back up again :(
Gerrards face looks so bad on PES 2008. They manage to accurately depict all the other stars in the game but left his face to look like a diseased fish
Gerrards face looks so bad on PES 2008. They manage to accurately depict all the other stars in the game but left his face to look like a diseased fish

Very True, lol, talking of faces in PES 2008.
You guys should check out this Video of some guy importing faces of Man u Players and doing a bad job, i couldnt stop laughing at Giggs's face at the end, hahaha :D:D:D
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