Sorry you never went to university but this is what's called critical thinking; the ability to argue both sides of the debate and then provide reasoned analysis. They've been presented with some light-hearted work to demonstrate the students' ability to do that. The Sun have just picked up on this because morons think it's what people actually think and it sells papers to the professionally self-righteous. But ye, whatever, bloody millennials etc...
Well, this is awkward....
You've lost me a bit, but I was suggesting it was awkward that The Sun think it's a millennial snow flake thing when, in fact, THAT'S LIKE THE ENTIRE POINT OF THE ******* BOOKSorry you never went to university but this is what's called critical thinking; the ability to argue both sides of the debate and then provide reasoned analysis. They've been presented with some light-hearted work to demonstrate the students' ability to do that. The Sun have just picked up on this because morons think it's what people actually think and it sells papers to the professionally self-righteous. But ye, whatever, bloody millennials etc...