Hi mate,
Do you mind checking my profile page link via the Gamer list as it should end with ps3ud0 not polynomial007 and is 404ing at the moment...
I singed up the other day, Great site mate nice work
Just one thing tho, My Trophies never seem to update on this site am i missing something i need to do?
Have you synced your Trophies? If not then when you sync them they should update on the site
I singed up the other day, Great site mate nice work
Just one thing tho, My Trophies never seem to update on this site am i missing something i need to do?
Mine's the same, trophies synced but seems to take a few days to update.
I have synced the trophies and there showing up on the offical playstation site but not happygamers for some reason![]()
Every ten minutes? Blimey! My Xbox one takes two hours![]()
So it's the start of the new year and I am pretty happy with the progress made on the site. I have implemented certain parts of the site to support Multi Formats, you should soon notice Xbox360 games appearing on the site.
Updates recently include:
* Navigation restructure
* Multiplatform now being implemented
* Imagery for 95% of titles
* Streaming HD Video
* Featurerd Galleries
* Removal of happygamers site avatars (redundant)
* Daily background images
* Stay Logged In (now available)
* Basic Trophy Compare page
* Bug fixes and speed improvements site wide
* PS3 game tracking almost 90% automated
Updates Planned:
* Restructure and Redesign of User Profile Pages
* Better use of news and RSS feeds
Happy Gaming and have fun!