shes 29 so again almost 10 yrs younger than me...i must be on a roll with the younger women...
This one is quite cool, a lot more fun to be around with...she can be immature but then on the other hand shes amazingly mature as well...[IMG][/QUOTE]
Do like, also have a major soft spot for Gaijins girl. Love me a red. :)
I'm not quite sure how bisexual is a bad thing?
My wife proving that she is a spazz.
She looks really young there.
'How old are you?'
'16? Great!'
She looks really young there.
Better than looking like her mother!
'How old are you?'
'16? Great!'
How old is she if you don't mind me asking (your wife not her mother!)?
Okay dokey.
Doesn't she work in Diamond Dolls?
She's gorgeous, well played sir.[IMG]
She's a cutie :)