The powty look is making a big impression on this page, i'll never really understand that look, just looks silly. Not that the women aren't pretty, just the powt makes them look a bit know.
Hope she doesn't see this, or I will be dead.
And before you ask, I did not order her off the interent.
The powty look is making a big impression on this page, i'll never really understand that look, just looks silly. Not that the women aren't pretty, just the powt makes them look a bit know.
I like the look
Also Skill, you shouldn't be having those thoughts about your friends 14yr old sister
I love Milka chocolate.
not off the internet? then where did you order her from jk gotta love asian girls hot as ****
Disguising the swearing isn't any better. Please fully star out any swearing in future. Thank you.
not off the internet? then where did you order her from jk gotta love asian girls hot as ****
Disguising the swearing isn't any better. Please fully star out any swearing in future. Thank you.
Me and my good lady