This thread is good example of the comforts that a keyboard provides. There's so many comments in this thread that would get you a punch in you said the same thing to a guy about his girlfriend in the pub.
This thread is good example of the comforts that a keyboard provides. There's so many comments in this thread that would get you a punch in you said the same thing to a guy about his girlfriend in the pub.
This thread is good example of the comforts that a keyboard provides. There's so many comments in this thread that would get you a punch in you said the same thing to a guy about his girlfriend in the pub.
Damn...hope she didn't have to pick up anything that night!
Exactly this.
The irony is that said people more than likely fit the fat sweaty mess with social issues who's only 'holidays' each year are attending weekend LAN's.
....with that said take comfort in knowing that they probably fap over our girls
This is my...err... boyfriend. Yeeeeeah. That's him.
Not a lie at all.
The plastic surgery they've done to 5ub is pretty impressive!
Nah bruv, u comment about my bird and a'll be round yer 'ouse n smash yer round the face wiv me keyboard so 'ard a'll leave "QWERTY" permanently printed across it.
The plastic surgery they've done to 5ub is pretty impressive!
*Throws money on the floor
Damn...hope she didn't have to pick up anything that night!