The Alton Towers OcUK Meet

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Ok people...

I need suggestions for charities to auction the geek-shirt off to.

I kinda like the cancer reasearch ones personally *especially with Ben recovering atm...* but all suggestions welcome. :D

Was going to do it at the weekend....but forgot :D

Memory like a metal thing with holes in..oh you know! You use it with flower to get the lumps out.. ;)

Will do it when I get home once I've got some decent pics of the signed shirt *and edited the rude words out ;)*

Also - just started designing another shirt for the Welsh BBQ/Camping meet as well? Another signed and auctioned tshirt?

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Here are some of my pics - the easily salvagable ones anyway - I got more duff pics form these 3 days that I've got in total from all the other times I've used my camera. :(

Now uploading slowly but they will appear here:

Quick run down...

101 - Matblack and comedy hat..
102 - See...Piggy is tall enough......just...
103 - Random Nemesis shot
104 - Random Air shot
Belmit_forgets_pint - different edit of the picture.
is_it_cold - Just look at Piggy's face - aren't we cruel for shouting 'Smile' before the showers came on. :D

Others are from a wander around the JCB factory's lakes and stuff like that- prepare for 'Awwwww's'

105 - A swan
106 - The very cool sculpture opposite the JCB plant.
107 - Awwww...fluffy ikkle cygnet - will grow into a black swan. :D
108 - One of the parents of the above cygnet.
109 - Errr...this one came out very dark - so I played with it. :D
110 - Another black swan.
111 - Dandelions
112 - Dandelions
113 - Big Image - View from the back of out B&B - slightly better than a load of JCB's ;)

I'm on photograph duty this weekend, on pain of some very uncomfortable forfeit in a few weeks if I fail. :eek:

Mind you, I didn't snap much, and the best ones have already been posted, so it'll not take long. :)
Very uncomfortable forfit you say?


I took loads of pics - they just pretty much all came out crap. :(

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