The American Police

8 Jan 2009
The full video is unedited and you do see people get shot, you have been warned, the shooting happens after 1:29 if you want to skip ahead.

Maybe some of you saw the news, but if not, then this video which happened recently is being talked about a lot.

I personally think it sums up the problems with the American Police Force in that they always escalate a problem instead of deescalating.

The woman was shot in the crossfire, got hit by two bullets fired by the 3-4 officers. It honestly makes you think, where their training is and why would they all fire at the same time when likely the only officer who had a decent line of fire was the POV of the video.

On top of that, the fact that they have to fire so many bullets and couldn't get a clear shot at someone at that range raises so many questions of their training.

Pistol accuracy is indeed not very easy, movies and TV shows makes it looks so easy, but honestly it's not, it's very hard to be that accurate, but these Police Officers, you would expect with years and years of training and at the gun range, you just expect them to be better then this.

I honestly feel bad for the poor lady, she was homeless, disabled (needed an oxygen tank) and had her life taken away in a blaze of gunfire.

I should include, this guy was running away after stabbing someone else.
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8 Jan 2009
Stop posting nonsense:


Literally written on every single police car.

That's just writing on a side of a car, means nothing.

It's true what jsmoke posted, that's not a hidden secret or anything, freely available to read in the legal documents or if you will, the "fine print".

This has already been tested at court, for example Warren v. District of Columbia case.

It sums up, the Police do not owe you as an individual a duty of care, but they owe the public a duty of care.

There is a reason for this, because the Police like any other government service only has limited amount of resources and can't provide for everyone, so if an situation arises and they can't help you because they busy elsewhere, then you on your own.
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