Its fascinating. Read seen about it a long time ago very welcome to have myself reminded about it.
The one thing i don't strictly understand is what is the use of such a device than can predict/calculate so far into the future. (That isn't strictly accurate though as i guess its just a machine that can calculate the same "shorter"cycle over and over.)
If mathematicians and engineers had the ability to produce things to that degree of accuracy, then surely less complex everyday, common calculating machines would be abundant ?
Then again why would you need an upgrade over an abacus ? Why do you need a machine to dig a hole or carry a heavy load when you can just assign 100 slaves to do that?
Anyway very fascinating i suspect its origins date back very further into history..
The one thing i don't strictly understand is what is the use of such a device than can predict/calculate so far into the future. (That isn't strictly accurate though as i guess its just a machine that can calculate the same "shorter"cycle over and over.)
If mathematicians and engineers had the ability to produce things to that degree of accuracy, then surely less complex everyday, common calculating machines would be abundant ?
Then again why would you need an upgrade over an abacus ? Why do you need a machine to dig a hole or carry a heavy load when you can just assign 100 slaves to do that?
Anyway very fascinating i suspect its origins date back very further into history..