Looking good mate! I've been shown this project once or twice over the years, but only just started using the forum. Great to see how it's progressing! Been wanting to get a baja for a while now (2007 was my dubbing year, had 2x1968 beetles, and spent a LOT of time on VZi. I've kept plenty of beetle bits in reserve - a decent exhaust, a stinger, a progressive carb, some 5x112 drums and front arms and a rev counter. Probably more stuff I can't remember!
Turbo should be fun
Do you find the tyres ever catch the wings? It's got very soft suspension. And I'm sure there're ways of getting rid of the rear camber without going IRS setup - possibly making hubs that automatically give negative camber, so you end up with neutral? I can't remember what the rear hub design is like tbh, I've not looked at one in nearly 4 years!