The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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some fun games last night :D see the ocuk stack was going strong haha!!!

almost had you all beat on hanian resort (or what ever) ....4 tickets.... I think if it wasn't for myself and nuts in the little bird earlier on in the round it would have been a lot worse :p not being funny but there were so many of your team just camping it up on the cliffs by our deployment :p

also had fun when I was on the team with you guys... getting them AA kills :p too easy xD but to be fair..... I can't seem to get the lead on jets with the matter what lead I put on nothing seems to hit... until they get a bit closer ;) think they pretty much gave up using the air vehicles on lancing dam when I moved to to by B so could see down the hill all the helis were trying to sneak behind :p
Cant say I've had much stuttering under win8, its certainly smoother than win 7 was, FWIW, cores unparked too.

Riot shields are a clear example of EA/DICE 'doing a Call of Duty' First we had UCAV and SUAV, Then AA Mines, now Sheilds. Final stand will include a pave low and and explosive RC car. You heard it here first.

I want Carrier Assault dammit.
Cant say I've had much stuttering under win8, its certainly smoother than win 7 was, FWIW, cores unparked too.

Riot shields are a clear example of EA/DICE 'doing a Call of Duty' First we had UCAV and SUAV, Then AA Mines, now Sheilds. Final stand will include a pave low and and explosive RC car. You heard it here first.

I want Carrier Assault dammit.

And all the cod players Who play bf4 after they realised ghosts is a bag of **** will be spamming the shields get ready for attack dogs soon
they already have kill streaks/perks..... well.. close enough, the squad perks ;) better than kill streak rewards as tries to get you to act as a squad rather then "herpa derpa I got me my predator drone, chopper gunship and nuke....i r sooo 1337"

Riot shields.... LOL! ok.... yeah this could be quite interesting actually. going up in lifts is rather hazardous...if these things deflect explosive blasts then coudl be very useful for clearing roof tops. 3-4 in a lift, one up front with the shield... all survive the c4 at the door... then enemies die :D wonder if you can attach c4/slams to them xD (other peoples).
For spam-fests like Metro I wouldn't mind seeing a Riot Shield or two TBH, but given that it is an idea born in COD, and that BF4 IMO has already veered far too close to COD territory in general with the over-noobified approach to the gunplay, I am also feeling a bit of stomach churn about the whole thing...
they already have kill streaks/perks..... well.. close enough, the squad perks ;) better than kill streak rewards as tries to get you to act as a squad rather then "herpa derpa I got me my predator drone, chopper gunship and nuke....i r sooo 1337"

Riot shields.... LOL! ok.... yeah this could be quite interesting actually. going up in lifts is rather hazardous...if these things deflect explosive blasts then coudl be very useful for clearing roof tops. 3-4 in a lift, one up front with the shield... all survive the c4 at the door... then enemies die :D wonder if you can attach c4/slams to them xD (other peoples).

Jihad riot shields!
imo it is a great idea!

Hope it deflects C4 and claymores too but doubt it.....

Will be useful on maps like lockers and metro.

Heck it isn't any worse than the already awful weapons/vehicles i.e. gunship, artillery, staff, mbt law and activ gaydar missiles......

Your gonna get hackusations regardless when your going to like 45-1 on average per map :P I still get them even after doing 3-4 maps doing terribly then have a better map.

You just have to go 7-0 and get hackusations :p Think since putting BOT in my name, it is even worse :D

Might be the nexusbot 2.0 isn't compaitble with the current firmware?

Possibly :p

I have been getting stuttering but only since the last patch, was fine before. Though it was just me, might be an 8.1 thing tho...

EDIT: BTW had a play with Win 8 and BF4 and while if definitely seemed to help on my older 4 core, I didn't really see any difference on the i7 compared to Win 7 - possibly a little worse.

Going to have to read through some stuff today and see what I can do to fix it, at points, it was almost unplayable :(
Jihad riot shields!

lol exactly!!!! can charge up to things, possibly be save from the MG fire but then run up and face plant the tank as your buddy detonates.... kaboom!

wonder which class it will be available for... trying to thing when else it would be useful.... say if you're repping a little bird and someone if getting some shots on you you could essentially "close the door" :p no more stray bullet damage haha.... obv you have to stop repping then xD
I'm sure the pro tubes will find a way, especially when you consider all the different types of explosives in this game!

Love the idea though. Could make 48/64 Metro/Locker a little more interesting than the normal standoff tube and repeat.
yeah... the lockers in metro, when you used to get spawn locked could be really interesting. a "human shield" of riot walls with the rest of the team spamming nades over their heads as they push the corridors :p
I tend to play lockers and metro on no explosive servers. This shield has the potential to completely change the balance of these maps without explosives.
Going to try this config out and see if it helps tonight:

PerfOverlay.DrawFps 1
RenderDevice.ForceRenderAheadLimit 0
RenderDevice.TripleBufferingEnable 0
RenderDevice.VsyncEnable 0
PostProcess.DynamicAOEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurEnable 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurForceOn 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurFixedShutterTime 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMax 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurQuality 0
WorldRender.MotionBlurMaxSampleCount 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapEnable 0
WorldRender.SpotLightShadowmapResolution 256
WorldRender.TransparencyShadowmapsEnable 0
WorldRender.LightTileCsPathEnable 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Enable 1
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1Enable 0
RenderDevice.Dx11Dot1RuntimeEnable 0
Thread.MaxProcessorCount 4

Do you think there is anything that I should add/exclude from that Joe?
Enemy team were very campy on some maps last night, Lancang Dam and SoS. I enjoyed plastering them with rockets on Hainan Resort.

I was suffering from lots of lag last night, it did improve as the night went on but at the start there were parts that were bordering on unplayable.

Those shields look dreadful I hope they are not the final in game model. As long as they require both hands so you can't run and gun them, I don't think they will be that bad. Even better if they could only take limited bullet damage or a sticky grenade get introduced along with them.
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