The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Game is fine now but netcode sucks big time still especially compared to CTE, it really is night and day between the two. Despite running the game capped at 65FPS, standard bf 4 doesn't feel as smooth as CTE either.

And premium worth it? NOPE! (imo)

Double XP weekend starting this Saturday :D


Hopefully get to rank 130 with ease then :D

unlike NEXUSBOT v.X.Y ... dunno how that is still being used :p

Nexus bot just too good, unlike all these cheats that show red boxes etc. with nexus bot, you don't need any of that crap, it just plays the game for you!


And no sweetfx is fine, I went back to the dx api just so that I could use sweetfx (doesn't work with mantle :()
well I'd say premium is worth it, after playing bf4 and you find yourself enjoying it then you get more maps and such and with the dragons teeth expansion around the corner you'll find the DLC servers more populated than the vanilla ones.

I didn't want to buy it but I really wanted to play gulf of oman :( but then to be fair I've really enjoyed the fluffy naval strike maps too so... it did take a while for me to begrudgingly hand over my 300 mexican dollars for it (around £15) and be happy with the purchase. but seeing as I play quite a lot of caspian/gulf/naval maps then it did in the end :)

but yeah.... play it first and see xD

oh... is that why you never talk on TS.... you're actually not even at the computer.... just have it set up to play a few sound board clips now and then to fool us into thinking you're playing.... well I never :p
There are times I really wish I recorded my gameplay, scored two absolutely beautiful shots on the stealth jet on rogue there.

Anyone using that new AMD recording software? Any good for bf 4?
Got kicked from a server because I took out the admin in and Attack Chopper.

What else are Attack Jets for.
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