The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Active radar is for noobs. I run the same setup Josh, it's freking awesome.

EDIT: Looking forward to playing the weekend!
Ah man, people take this game too seriously :D Personally I wouldn't care what is said in a game chat box. I rage like a mofo in it, although saying that I don't go over the line with racism...

Nexus isn't happy about that lol he was saying last night, "that foster on the forum is about to over take me...I need to AA more"

I cba with it after that nerf.

Lol Josh ...I had to take the number 1 spot :)

My little girl things its like wow dad lol

I will take it back, just you wait and see ;) Problem is, I can't get into these games quick enough to get the aa now, stulid or someone else always gets it first :mad:

EA DE Conquest... stackers paradise :).

I just don't join because I know there won't be any vehicles free, or anything to kill.


That can't be fun. :)

haha yeah, I don't like playing with the XH AND GC guys due to base rape within 5 min +what you said, if you are late to the game, no vehicles and of course don't get as many kills :( but no one else was on and I fancied a few games, rather be on a team that is good than the team, which has the biggest noobs camping roofs etc. :p
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I am guilty of keyboard bashing in the heat of the moment.

My little pony Wndsr lol :)

People got to be careful on chat or ts when playing with online friends..just think before you engage your mouth, we know very little about each other, not nice to be offended on TS with something that has been said. I can actually honestly say a few times I've taken offence by certain things that have been said but just kept it to myself and wont get into it either.

anyway, who's on tonight?
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I really need a new keyboard, this one often just stops working in he heat of the moment :(

In fairness it was £30 so the fact that it's lasted a year of very heavy use and abuse is good enough. Want to get a CM Rapid-I in reds.
I have been trying to be nicer to people lately BUT someone just really peed me off so I won't be on TS for a bit.
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