The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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So what time is the DLC coming out? Watched Xfactors latest videos, can't say I'm overly impressed, they look ok but cater for the "pro pipe" and camper noobs tbh.

Working till 3ish so might get home early and dll it for tonight.
Nothing for me... :mad:

Not that it matters, I'm at work until 5!

haha i'm on the late tonight... booo

All i did was right click Dragon'S Teeth and it showed 'download'

All done ready to shred... but no servers haha or option to find them
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It kicked in just as I posted the above. Should be done in a few mins!

Roll on 5! Shame this hot weather is gonna make playing on the PC too hot! lol
Work is crazy for me at the moment so I probably won't get allot of time to play this week.

For those of you lucky enough to be at home let us know how the maps play!
Someone I played a round with last night was at rank 130 already, think it was mrbird90 or something like that. Dude has 55k kills in a littlebird too. Quite astonishing how these guys level up so quick. I've played maybe 20 hours this double xp weekend and only just a few thousand short of 125.

I'm not massively impressed eithet josh, but that snow map looks awesome. Hate all the gimmicky crud though, shields and that mini tank thing look so cheesy and horrible.
a few cheeky rounds with tony and kerfuffle last night :) though I ended up rage quitting as everything was bull**** :p absolutely decimating *****s with bullets but always getting a one shot on me :(

some **** on metro as well was full of it. every single kill he got on myself or gaycob or nuts was a headshot with an sks and this is when we're spread out and the guys running and jumping. one time he was on C flag by the bottom of the escalators. I jumped down while he was firing at some guy towards the lockers, emptied the entire sr-2 clip into the guys back and he.... he didn't even turn around but just one shot to the head again.

me thinks I've just been rather unlucky with server choice.... or just EA/Dice :p

watched some of that twitch broadcast of DT last night. why do they feel they need to make even more game modes!?!?!?! cut it out already!!!! conquest and rush were fine!!!

now it's herp-a-derpa... look we've joined conquest points.... that's now how you get ticket bleed..... ok? did you really need to? :p
Hmmm, no update for me :/

I think the maps look pretty good except that rooftop one with loads of flanking routes, however, since they are purely infantry, they really need to make the hit reg. as good as CTE now.


nvm, downloading now, just went to game properties and right clicked on the expansion and hit dll!
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Any initial thoughts on DT then? I'm stuck at work till 3 and the lack of any posts since this morning concerns me.

It's either epically awesome sauce and people can't put it down or it is gash and breaking peoples computers.
Any initial thoughts on DT then? I'm stuck at work till 3 and the lack of any posts since this morning concerns me.

It's either epically awesome sauce and people can't put it down or it is gash and breaking peoples computers.

Good maps but man its a lagfest guess was no code fixes , propaganda and lumphini gardens my faves at the moment good infantry combat
I don't think much of the maps really. Just rehashes of existing maps with loads of reused content. I haven't played Sunken Dragon yet though.

Can't say I had any lag though?
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