The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Well PS4 is being sold and I'm coming back to PC gaming, just a case of ordering the parts now.

Keep it and buy a PC

I'll let you in on a little secret. These PC gamers think they are the master race, they know nothing. The "True" master race play on both PC and Console :D
About time you n00b.

I know, I know, I've finally seen the light.

So you sold your computer then a few weeks later realise how much fun we're all having and decide to come back.

As a pre-requisite of coming back to PC gaming, you need to ensure you have a fully functional headset complete with loud and clear microphone. ;)

Erm, it looks that way yes :p

Already got a headset, it was the awful audio chip that was the problem, hopefully the new mobo I've ordered has a decent chip, if not, will get a soundcard :) although don't expect clear instructions from me on Battlefield.

Instead of 'he's by so and so', you'll more than likely get 'he's over there' and then forgetting to tell you where exactly there is :p
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