The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Our team on Hainan Resort was a complete joke. Our squad really did seem like the only one's actually trying to capture/keep objectives. You and patsey were getting no support from our team when in the LAV's either.

Indeed :(

Didn't help matters when the enemy team were camping on hills outside our base most of the match too.

Surprised we won.......

Still can't believe DICe included that horrible thing known as the artillery vehicle, such a horrible thing.

no mouse over for quantitative values ;) ..... could have just been the only revive from both teams the entire round ;)

either way, well done you :3

Didn't know you could do that! :o

And that big bar was worth a massive....................

4 revives

:( :p

My G500 died about a year ago :( You would think there are similar mice out there as I am a claw gamer so need a bigger mouse with support for my thumb and picky finger. I ended up getting the below mouse and find it very comfortable however I think they stopped making them lol.

I originally brought this from OCUK so I hope I don't get an admin slap since they dont sell it anymore.

Do logitech not have some new mice that are kind of similar to g400/500??

Did you try their customer service? It is VERY good.

Like the look of that meduza though :cool:
Dunno whats going on with the pistols - the M9 and P226 I've got ~23% accuracy (both very similiar to use) and rarely have any real problems with "hit reg" but the G18 (aware its a very different beast) only 16% though feels a lot less than that and even in single shot mode 2/3rds of my rounds just seem to vanish with no effect :| not checked the spread to see if it has any quirks I'm not taking into account but I'm not seeing background impact splashes of missed shots either.
Didn't know you could do that! :o

And that big bar was worth a massive....................

4 revives

:( :p

hahaha yea xD I've had moments like that, like three quarters of the bar will be yellow and I'll be thinking... ZOMG>!>!>??!?!! such epic reviveness from me!!!!! mouse over.... I got 3 revives out of a team total of 4 .....#somewhatdisappointed hahhahaha xD

Zowie AM / FK / Evo2 or Deathadder IMO

Razer deathadder 3.5G. had for like 3 or 4 years now.... still working tastily :D ....though..... not sure if the middle mouse clicker is being a bit funny or chrome is just being occasionally retarded when I want to open new links :p

heard good things about the zowies and the sensais (spelling)
Personally not a huge fan of razer stuff for a few reasons, excluding the deathadder (although second point seems to still apply...)

- very poor CS
- don't last long
- rather cheap looking and feel overall IMO
- overpriced IMO

I really like the look of the zowie & steelseries mice although supposedly the drivers for one of them are very poor and cause big problems for quite a few people (can't remember which brand it was), probably been fixed though!


hahaha yea xD I've had moments like that, like three quarters of the bar will be yellow and I'll be thinking... ZOMG>!>!>??!?!! such epic reviveness from me!!!!! mouse over.... I got 3 revives out of a team total of 4 .....#somewhatdisappointed hahhahaha xD

haha :D
Most of the Zowie mice don't really have drivers as such unless they have extra functions (so probably wasn't zowie), older zowie mice had problems with angle snapping on the sensor but anything on sale now shouldn't have that issue.
G500 here, bought a second one on members market to use with my other system. But strangely it doesnt work on it. Fine on the spec in sig so ill keep it as a spare. Ive always liked the feel of the G series mice, weight package is a bit of a gimmick though.
Just a few mice I've used over last 10 - 12 years.

Intellimouse 3.0
Razer boomslang
Logitech mx310
Logitech mx510
Logitech mx518
Deathadder 1600
Deathadder 3.5
Logitech g400
Logitech g500
Zowie evo was a friend's at i49
Deathadder 2013

Intellimouse 3.0 with an icemat made me a God in quake :)

Looking forward to using this rival tho going by reviews it's in a different league to any mouse out there atm... I do love my deathadder but I have small hands which is good news for the rival as it's same kinda shape but a little smaller..
My G500 died about a year ago :( You would think there are similar mice out there as I am a claw gamer so need a bigger mouse with support for my thumb and picky finger. I ended up getting the below mouse and find it very comfortable however I think they stopped making them lol.

I originally brought this from OCUK so I hope I don't get an admin slap since they dont sell it anymore.

I run claw on a deathadder BE, get the mouse mat sorted and it is great (although it is very black/white and not grey in between sensitivity settings (and there are 20 on demand ones).

I used to have an intellimouse explorer and honestly I wish they still made them... best mouse ever! The new revisions just made it worse... DF BHD sniper only - played that about 10 hours a day on that mouse, used to finish first a lot 150kills 0 deaths, one shot one kill none of this BF3/4 "hit people 4 times no death" tripe.
DF BHD sniper only - played that about 10 hours a day on that mouse, used to finish first a lot 150kills 0 deaths, one shot one kill none of this BF3/4 "hit people 4 times no death" tripe.
Now there was a proper large scale fps game. Bhd along with the joint ops games were excellent, ultra long range sniping in theese was the most fun ive ever had in an fps game.
Now there was a proper large scale fps game. Bhd along with the joint ops games were excellent, ultra long range sniping in theese was the most fun ive ever had in an fps game.

If you want a large scale FPS game then Tribes Ascend is fantastic. Takes an age to learn but it's so fun.
Take it I am not alone then, checking here for some insight. Got new Rig last week from OCUK, Tried bf4 servers about 6 or 7 times, only ever completed one round before it CTD :(
Jeza, welcome to Battlefailed 4

Yup, just as I wrote that I that I thought okay, give it one more go, So actually finished the round, got to the point tallying....Bsod (only in battlefield btw pun intended) So after this, uninstalled bye bye. Gone back to BF3, played two 2 hour rounds on that yesterday no issues.
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