The Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

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Haha, yeah that round/team did seem to suffer quite a high level of retardation didn't it!

The guys sniping from our spawn (carrier) wound me up... Here, have a spawn beacon to spawn in on. IN OUR SPAWN! :mad:
Been playing it now for the last few days after having a hissy fit few months ago about how broken the game is, BF3.5 bla bla bla.

I've totally gotten into it now (Thanks to a few of my buddies, good team mates) 0 Crashes, i've managed to go through full games without crashing and claming my 10k+ XP per round and leveling up a few times.

So finally with my progress I've moved on from the first sniper to the M40A5, which is a very good sniper, Its got better distance before it drops than the first snipe.

So yeah, Finally started to enjoy the game.

Any news when they're releasing the BF3 Maps?
his aiming looks very dodgy imo (looks like some snap to target you get with games on the consoles), the way he just seems to snap very quickly and smoothly towards each player even without having to readjust when ADS as he is already perfectly aimed at the enemy.....

Also according to cheatometer for his bf 3 account:


That guy is botting, no question. Can tell by the snapping.
If theres any CQ247 admins here I'm uploading a video atm of someone cheating on there.

EDIT: Video will be here (procesing at the moment).

lol that last shot looked dodgy AF!!! :p turning in hipfire, stopping exactly on the line where his glint is, going ADS and doesn't have to adjust at all :p I don't just that snappy snappy action :p

checked myself out on that site 0 cheats :( booooooo hahahah! wan;t at least a tiny bit of speculation.... now I just feel rubbish.... lol
That's insane Sasso best player in the world right here. 9.50 KPM and a 100 HSKR should definitely flag you on that site for cheating LMAO...nice editing Joe

Goes to check mine lol
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zomg how did i miss those big red numbers when I looked xD

epic shooping joe :3 them pixels xD

should have made the changes to the S-Raw.... ;)
his aiming looks very dodgy imo (looks like some snap to target you get with games on the consoles), the way he just seems to snap very quickly and smoothly towards each player even without having to readjust when ADS as he is already perfectly aimed at the enemy.....

Also according to cheatometer for his bf 3 account:


Kuno I don't know if CQ247 are aware of this BF4 cheatometer thing? That is the player spoken of. As you can see by HSKR on DMR's / Snipers he is a 100% cheat.

Number of orange stats on Westees profile rofl. See Nexus has had some nice rounds lol.
Not a fan of fairfight type stuff - its a good indicative tool for server admins but it should never be used for automatic banning imo.

Oh and love the portrait on DrSasson heh - that would kind of be me playing lately if it was a bottle of JD in one hand :S just can't play the game sober its too frustrating.
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haha thanks :D It's symbolising how I feel in which the hearts are the joy of battlefield 4 and the umbrella is EAs corporate nonsense and bugs, resulting in me being isolated and denied the happiness and joy that should come freely from the game like rain drops from the sky to wash over me in a moistening embrace.

or I'm just forever alone and grumpy about it.... :p
Number of orange stats on Westees profile rofl. See Nexus has had some nice rounds lol.

Just checked and 0/100 = DISAPPOINTMENT!!!

Not stronk enough :(

The "best rounds" must be buggy as I have had far better rounds than that in terms of k/d lol.

I might be on tonight/over the weekend, not been on for a bit, too tired and bored of the game/maps + hardly anyone else playing anyway...
haha thanks :D It's symbolising how I feel in which the hearts are the joy of battlefield 4 and the umbrella is EAs corporate nonsense and bugs, resulting in me being isolated and denied the happiness and joy that should come freely from the game like rain drops from the sky to wash over me in a moistening embrace.

or I'm just forever alone and grumpy about it.... :p

Ah oops I meant the emblem heh though the portrait made me laugh to.
0/100 as well, not stronk enough!!! :p

Just checked his BL page out, not many hours spent on bf 4, presume he doesn't like the game or/and cba with the bugs etc.???

Cool :) Will try to get on tonight for some pub stomping then! :D

na he doesnt play public.. only ESL VS and competitive PCW's

mYm are sponsored and he gets paid decent money for it as they are on of best 5v5 dom teams around and theres quiet a bit of money to be made in 5v5!

give ma a shout when ya ready to play on BL and ill jump on TS.. u can join cg TS.
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Good lad, I'm looking forward to some games tonight, been afk for too long.

Indeed! 6 damn days!!! :mad: :(

No doubt marty and posh boy will be playing rust again tonight....... :p

na he doesnt play public.. only ESL VS and competitive PCW's

mYm are sponsored and he gets paid decent money for it as they are on of best 5v5 dom teams around and theres quiet a bit of money to be made in 5v5!

give ma a shout when ya ready to play on BL and ill jump on TS.. u can join cg TS.

Ah, shame that :( He must miss the rage and hackusations from pub games! :D

Will do, thanks :) Probably be on sometime around 8-9
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