The Bear | Season 3 | FX

This is subjectively a good show, I thought it was very mid, nowhere near as good as the previous seasons. Seems like the director let the praise get to his head and become self indulgence. The entire season was a whole lot of nothing, loods of zoomed in faces of people screaming at each other in an over the top unauthentic way.

Yep, I agree. The wife enjoyed it, but there was pretty much zero progression just lots of filler l, fluffy, arty episodes. It was ok, but meh I won't be watching the next series
100% agree with @smokedog's sentiments. The first episode was brilliant, very cleverly done but I found the episodes to follow a real slog. Hardly any of the characters are likeable, or identifiable. Marcus and Olivia Coleman's character being the two that bought some much needed relief when they were on screen.

The first two series were binge-worthy and we smashed through them, I couldn't want for this series to be over and like @n30_mkii I doubt we'll watch the next.
First two series were absolutely brilliant, definitely worth watching.
I'm currently halfway through the third series and i'm finding it a really chore to watch. It's completely sterile, void of any real storyline and seems to share little with the previous two series as if they had a complete overhaul of the writing team and showrunners.
I'll carry on but i started skipping around the last episode, so i'll probably do the same and fly through the rest.

Given series 4 was supposedly filmed back-to-back, it does make you wonder if that will just be more of the same - a shame if true :(
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Got this polished off earlier and it's not as good as s2 for me, first episode could have been condensed down didn't require a full 30 min run time, Tina episode was my favourite. Felt like this was a full season of character development to setup s4 rather than it being it's own thing.
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