Please use this sticky to recommend your guitars, amps, leads, instructional DVD's, cases, tuners etc.
You can also post links to any relevant retailers, providing no rules are broken, as laid down in the faq.
Also feel free to ask for any advice, after reading the posts within.
I'll also start a poll for your choice of a beginners guitar, starting with my newly purchased Yamaha Pacifica 112, which seems to do the job very well, although I still haven't managed to get very far yet. I'll add more guitars to the list as they are mentioned.
For cheap strings, quickly deliverered, I'd recommend -
You can also post links to any relevant retailers, providing no rules are broken, as laid down in the faq.
Also feel free to ask for any advice, after reading the posts within.
I'll also start a poll for your choice of a beginners guitar, starting with my newly purchased Yamaha Pacifica 112, which seems to do the job very well, although I still haven't managed to get very far yet. I'll add more guitars to the list as they are mentioned.
For cheap strings, quickly deliverered, I'd recommend -