Having been looking for a replacement for my old Dell 19" 1280x1024 LCD screen (about 7 years old), I was initially attracted to the EW2420 following a very positive review on TechRadar. As commented elsewhere, though, TechRadar reviews provide a good general summary without much detail. So, searching the net led me to this thread. Reading the various comments and PCM2's excellent review, I took the plunge and bought one from a well-known internet retailer.
I've now had it for a week, and it's stunning. I couldn't be happier. Initial impressions are as widely mentioned - the default settings are too bright. A little tweaking onscreen and with the Windows 7 calibration utility yielded very workable results, though.
To get the most out of it, though, I bought a Spyder3Pro (with the Elite 4 software), and let that work its magic and deliver an ICC profile specifically tailored for my setup at home. With that in place, it really is a stunning screen.
I'm not a big gamer, so I can't really comment. Compared to my old Dell monitor with 28ms response time, it's bound to do well, though. My main hobby is MS FSX, and with that, the quality and depth of colour and contrast really make a tasty sight. I've tried it on Empire:Total War, and HAWX2. Both delivered exceptional visuals without any of the trailing, shadowing etc others have mentioned - to the naked eye, at least. I appreciate these aren't the fastest, most testing games, though.
I do quite a lot of amateur photography, and the calibrated screen delivers fine there too.
One issue I do have, though (and I'd really appreciate any thoughts you might have), is that it seems to take too long to switch on initially when it receives a signal from my graphics card. The result is that when I switch on the PC, the first sign of life I get from the monitor is the Windows Starting screen in Win7. It doesn't show me the splash screen for the BIOS POST. I know pressing the DEL key brings me into the BIOS settings OK, and the screen does show these OK, but when I'm ordinarily (re)booting the PC, I miss my BIOS splash screen. Is it something to do with the resolution of the BIOS display? As I built the PC myself, I kindof miss it! Any ideas? The only workaround I've come up is to enable the stupid ASUS ExpressGate BIOS feature, which delays the whole BIOS bootup process. Don't like it, though, as it's just a pointless delay in starting up the machine.
Anyway, other than that small gripe, and for what it's worth, I do genuinly like this screen and would recommend it to friends and family looking for a large 24" widescreen monitor.