The best song to play REALLY loud?

Weebull said:
On the opposite side however, Radiohead's OK Computer, or anything by Sigur Ros. The louder they are, the more there is to hear.
Definitely Sigur. Anything from the album called ( ), or "brackets". Beautiful music. Also Star Alfur by Sigur Ros, stunning.

Great thread, got some great tracks - thanks! :D

Edit: most beautiful song ever. I'm almost in tears.
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Smashing Pumpkins - **** you - an ode to no one / quiet / siva
The Stone Roses - Fools Gold / Begging you
Led Zep - Whole lotta love

or, if i wanted to turn it up & smoke up...

Led Zep - No Quarter (13/5/73 to be precise... :cool: )
daz said:
"Smack my bitch up" 50 seconds in. :)

or Poison 1.20 seconds in, old setup in my car made my eyes wobble not to metion my rear view mirror and every loose pannel

Lange - Follow Me

makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up every time i hear it
i cant belive no ones mentioned:

yes- owner of a lonely heart

awsome sounds to test any system and put a smile on your face ;)
Rage against the machine - bullet in the head.

Probably my song and band of my uni life. Always brings back amazing memories of my 2nd and 3rd years. this year bodyrox has taken the winner of tune of tunes !
bam0 said:
Fully prepared to have my choices cussed, care. :)

My Chemical Romance - I'm Not OK
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
Burger/Ink - Bring Trance Back (To Las Vegas)
Prodigy - Diesel Power & Narayan
Millencolin - No Cigar
Pennywise - Bro Hymn
all of them songs are great, offers a choice other than dance and DnB etc
andy said:

<3 mr oizo

his last album "half a scissor" is maybe the most underrated album ever ,one of the 10 or s albums i can sit right through without skipping tracks god knows how it slipped out without getting any notice from anywhere :(

hes got a film coming out soon and supposedly a new album at the end of the year too

Monday Massacre goes really low. :cool:
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