Added a new start button.
Don't suppose you know where that wallpaper can be had? For some reason the theme doesn't work, patched the files, move the folder to Windows/Resources/etc, move the certain file to sys32 folder and still doesn't work.
Found the wallpaper I'm using. 1920x1080
He uploaded the wp earlier.
Don't suppose you know where that wallpaper can be had? For some reason the theme doesn't work, patched the files, move the folder to Windows/Resources/etc, move the certain file to sys32 folder and still doesn't work.
Hmmm, very strange because that's all I did too. Double clicked the .theme and it was set. Then went to and found a nice background.
Yeah it's frustrating, although the colour of your taskbar isn't that different to that of Win7.
How did you change the Windows logo for your start bar mate?
link for start button changer
Just remember to, right click, run as admin.
I just got that windows 7 shine theme to work.
Turned off uac, in my case copied the Win7-Shine 2.0 Top and the Win7-Shine 2.0 Top folder to the resource/themes folder, took ownership of explorerframe.dll using this guide, renamed it to explorerframe.dll_old, copied in the new file, restarted, forgot to turn uac back on so done that and restarted again.
Added a new start button.
I must ask, how did you pin those shortcuts on your taskbar (by the clock)
If I try and drag and drop it offers to pin it to Windows Explorer
me too!Hopped on the band wagon with that start button - looks good
Could someone please repost the Toy Story 3 monkey with the cymbals? I lost it and just cannot find it in any of the OCuK threads.........
It's here in the Desk and Room Gallery thread