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Ouch ;)

I hardly ever get ID'd, only sometimes out in pubs and stuff, but i flash my Full Driving Licence (;)) and they step back and let me in/serve my drink straight up.

ya you brits have it easy - in the states; they crack down on you for id - none of this underage drinking if things can be helped. Let alone the drinking age is 21. Bars/pubs get closed down if caught serving underage people here they probably get a bonus ;)

Awesome! Thanks dude looks really nice!

You don't happen to have that file do you mate, it is originally uploaded to filesonic, and as we all know the sharing sites have been running scared recently !!!

Here you go this is version 2 of the calender:


Made (combined really... :p) a few more true blood wallpapers and decided to use this for a bit, not great though :(, could probably look much better with some fancy effects or something, if I was better with photo shop :o


Will link to stuff if requested.
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