Finally had everything delivered so gave it a quick snow foam (BH Auto Foam), wash (GTech G Wash - I have quite a few varieties of car wash/shampoo and that was selected today) - it's being cleaned properly next Thursday and will no doubt get covered in salt/mud again over the weekend so didn't use anything else other than a quick bit of tyre shine.
Snow Foam Pro V2 did a good job, but did need topping up as I hadn't adjusted the mix and the jetwash appears to be much better than the Karcher K4 was!
And all tidied away much quicker thanks to the reel on the Nilfisk + the new short hose reel which is used with the water filter.

Snow Foam Pro V2 did a good job, but did need topping up as I hadn't adjusted the mix and the jetwash appears to be much better than the Karcher K4 was!

And all tidied away much quicker thanks to the reel on the Nilfisk + the new short hose reel which is used with the water filter.