@ V-Spec - We have Cisco in the other day to go over some queries around the 9kASR platform and they mentioned the CSR1000v. Great as far as I'm concerned but haven;t downloaded it yet. What's your impressions? Will be good for my CCIE lab, or so I hope. particularly interested in active memory with it so I can look at potentially over provisioning my PC with a number of them
- GP
So basically, CSR1000v is a game changer as far as study/testing goes, I've always had access to tonnes of physical kit (got a lab with 8x ASR9010s and 4x CRS-1s in) and I'd never swap the physical kit for stuff like GNS3 - but I would for CSR1000v.
The only trouble is that to run more than a few routers you need a lot of memory and plenty of cores, I have access to a dual opteron server which gives 16 cores @ 2Ghz each, and 96GB of ram, I've built a small-scale service-provider topology comprising of 8x P routers, 8x PE routers, 8 CPE routers and some other bits, it's using around 65GB of ram and half the CPU.
But it really is like having a load of ASR1001 routers in a box, the features are there - and none of it is emulated - it's running in a proper environment so it's nice and fast, it supports literally everything an ASR1k comes with in terms of technology.
In terms of the CCIE lab, the biggest problem will be interface types - it only supports gig Ethernet (I don't know if R&S still includes FR and stuff?) but that's literally the only thing - they are bringing out support for other interfaces at some point, but seeing as it runs on a server I don't know whether it would be anything other than Ethernet.
There's not much it won't do, I've got VPLS, P2MP-LSPs a whole load of QoS and TE configured in my lab for validation and messing around, I wouldn't go back to GNS3 for anything tbh.
You can run it in VMworkstation with a few routers, but you'll need 16-32GB of ram to have more than 5-6 instances, but the environment itself is really handy - the ability to just provision a few windows XP VMs is great because you can template and deploy everything as you like, I'm currently doing a load of NG-mVPN stuff - and i've got Ixia chariot configured for generating multicast traffic all over the place - the sort of stuff which used to take AGES to setup, is now easy.
AND on top of all this, you can run it for 60 days on an eval licence @ 50Mbps, after that you can still use it but the throughput is brought down to 2.5Mbps so you can either re-deploy all the VMs and reload configs, or just stick with 2.5Mbps
Also, 9ks are good boxes, - however the company i've just finished at (a 4G mobile carrier) had horrific problems with them killing linecards when reloading - you might wanna mention that to Cisco!
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