The chinqs dead...

22 Dec 2004
Rugeley, Staffs
Tried to start the chinq this afternoon, bare in mind that there has been a bad frost over the past few nights, the car wont even turn over, it chunts once and you only hear the alternater clicking... Battery death?
"Chunts", care to explain that one? :confused:

What happens when you turn the key to start it? Does it do nothing, but make a noise (the starter motor)?

Or does it actually turn over but not pick up?
I turn the key it makes a small noise as its trying to catch, but doesnt turn over and catch the start...
Sounds like the battery then, it's not unknown for them to do this in cold weather.

You could bump start it though, give the car a bit of a run to re-charge the battery. Then try to start it normally, if it doesn't then get a new battery.
Enfield said:
Sounds like the battery then, it's not unknown for them to do this in cold weather.

You could bump start it though, give the car a bit of a run to re-charge the battery. Then try to start it normally, if it doesn't then get a new battery.

Gonna try bumping it, tryin to get some Jumper cables see if we can get it started when my dad brings the pickup home...

ty :)
Clarkey said:
you realise bumping and jumping are 2 different things?

I think he meant he is going to try bump starting it first, and then if that doesn't work, he'll wait till his dad gets back then he'll jump start it.
The clicking is not the alternator, alternators don't make any noise. The clicking is normally the starter solenoid.
Lopéz said:
The clicking is not the alternator, alternators don't make any noise. The clicking is normally the starter solenoid.

Im not much of a car buff :P But thanks for all the help gang...
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