The computer turns off when installing windows =/



26 Jun 2005
Ok today i went out and got a new Xp disk today and when i try install it, it gets to a certain pooint and my entire computer just shuts down :confused:
Like the power just goes out.

Why is this happening.

I hate computer now :mad:
Most likeley some hardware issue, what point during the install does it shut down? What is the progress bar doing when it happens?

Check you memory for issues, run mem test for at least 8 hours and check the results.
It was perfectly fine just yesterday though, im trying to format and reinstall due to spyware.

It jst seems to die after the blue screan labled "Setup is loading Files"

It was going into the next lot of loading crap in in the next blue screen(loading keyboard interface) but it just basicly loses or power and shuts off for no reason :(
Try running memtest as ram would be first suspect. After that try a different hard drive.
Had similiar problem myself but ram passed memtest. I changed back to old spare stuff and all was well. Thankfully crucial rma is very easy!!
Memtest86+ can be found here. There is a crap version that runs in windows, whereas this one is an ISO you burn to cd then set your pc to boot from cdrom or dvd.

Run it for at least 30 mins, I tend to run it for at least 1-2 hours just to be sure. My record was a 48hr test, just left it running. :D

Read the change log to see if you need latest version for your cpu/chipset. If not v1.65 works just as well as v1.70.
Ok some how after a lot of swearing, a lot of pulling cables out and removing heat sinks, a bit of hitting a case, a bit of throwing old CDs, some more swaering, it has actually decided to format and work :p (so far)
Zip said:
Ok some how after a lot of swearing, a lot of pulling cables out and removing heat sinks, a bit of hitting a case, a bit of throwing old CDs, some more swaering, it has actually decided to format and work :p (so far)
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