The cost of raising kids

Do kids get more presents these days? I'm always jokingly telling off my family for spoiling our niece but whenever I go to people's houses these days, if they have kids - their house is full of plastic toys. 90% of which they'll never use again. Books, teddy bears and a few toys was all we needed in my days I think.
Do kids get more presents these days? I'm always jokingly telling off my family for spoiling our niece but whenever I go to people's houses these days, if they have kids - their house is full of plastic toys. 90% of which they'll never use again. Books, teddy bears and a few toys was all we needed in my days I think.

Things are a lot cheaper. I would get maybe 3-4 N64 games a year if I was lucky. Couple for Christmas, Birthdays, Special rewards etc. Now my daughter has Gamepass and 100's of games to choose from. Back when I was a child one N64 game would cost £50+ in 1990's money. A year Gamepass costs the same in 2022 currency.
We clearly saved a small fortune by my missus working at our daughter’s JMI school during the years they attended it and avoiding any childcare costs.

As we lived on the posh edge of TOWIEland, the local charity shops were full of worn once and chucked children’s gear, so the girls dressed Gucci on a Poundland budget.

Our friends circle is pretty much the same. Everyone has kids so the sharing of clothes has been paramount. We have just unloaded bag loads of toddler clothes to a friend that were 3rd or 4th hand already. All good stuff as well. Friends giving us clothes for 3-4 years etc. Seems such a waste at that age as kids just grow through them so quickly before they are even worn!
Take into consideration 30 free hours a month if you earn under 100k childcare at that age (over 3) becomes very affordable. And when they go to school other than school uniform and after school clubs pay is minimal.

Car seats are a one off cost initially (albeit you tend to buy a couple as they grow).

Holidays cost more but they're free (on the plane at least) when they're under 2.

When they're young you can repurpose clothes and equipment. We got so many hand-me-downs. Furthermore the grandparents spoil them a little in their first few years.

Food bills don't increase that much if anything you get more value for money when you batch cook.

I think where it does get expensive is when they're a bit older and you have to buy them more clothes, sports equipment, pay for after school clubs, and feed them like adults (in terms of portion sizes). I think it peaks in the teens until they're 18 at which point the research stops. I'd hazard a guess that post 18 will continue to cost, if they don't have a part time job etc...

I'm making suppositions as my kids are under 10.
When see these figure banded around I just think how difficult my life would have been had I had a kid at say 30.

Wouldn't have enough cash for the house.
Wouldn't have been able to move to Wales.
Wouldn't be able to do my hobbies.
Wouldn't be able to afford my holidays in time and money cost
I'd likely be a wreck of worry and anxiety (based on how I worry about my animals)

My life would be totally different

I'm only just on my feet at 36 wanting to enjoy life. Now would be the time to have kids but then the breathing room of disposable income and time would be gone.

Worse for women with the biological clock.

You can see how cost of living is so hard for people who want a family and a house. My parents raised 3 kids on modest incomes and are mortgage free. No way now.

In the next 18-24 months I expect to have had our first child, all being well. I'll be 35 with my O/H 31. Financially both very secure and stable. My O/H will return to work full-time but on slightly reduced hours spread over 4 days instead of 5 ideally, if its mutually agreeable with her employer (highly likely).

We're quite frugal and will provide well in the early years and hope to rely on family to reduce the need to pay for childcare, two sets of grand parents and siblings but to also not squander money on new necessities when they can be had for much less used or for free.

Holiday costs will inevitably sting but I'm lulling myself in to a false sense of comfort that overall, all in, it won't cost that much :cry:
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