the curse of Wisdom Teeth

The pain of having them removed is well worth the pain they can give some people.

I had mine removed as I seemed to be getting like a face ache that would lead to a headache.
No regrets at all.

Had mine removed at dentist, and he cut the gum to stop it tearing.

It greatly depends on how the roots are as to how they remove them.

O'h and dentist told me that in my mouth they are just a food trap.
Mine come in spurts - once every couple of months they decide its push time - just grin and bear it, thuogh in the morning I chew up a couple of paracetomol, dont taste great but helps!
I am 18 too and I get pain every now and again with my wisdom teeth.
One of them is coming through on the side, After the pai n of having 3 teeth out in one day and my gum bleeding solid for 48 hours I want to knocked out before my dentist goes near my teeth.
Just having a back tooth out hurt enough I don't even want to think about the pain of my wisdom teeth coming out. Plus the fact my blood doesn't clot well :(
AthlonTom said:
Mine come in spurts - once every couple of months they decide its push time - just grin and bear it, thuogh in the morning I chew up a couple of paracetomol, dont taste great but helps!

I suffered the same up until 3 years ago. They started poking through at about 19-20 so I had a good 5 years of on and off pain. Mostly because I wasn't registered with a dentist and was living abroad etc. As soon as I got settled back here I sorted it out with the NHS and had em whipped out. All four at once.

They gave me rohypnol to sedate me then started at it. They had to cut some of my lower right jaw away to release the root of the impacted one. The only pain i felt was each needle going in to numb the root and a bit of yanking. Thing is tho......I hardly remember any of it because of the rohypnol. It seemed to last about 5 seconds but was actually 45 mins.

Bags of frozen peas to ease the pain and swelling coupled with a diet of soup and yoghurt was order of the day for the next few days.

It was genuinely not that bad an experience but not something I would want to do again.
got the yearly detist appointment on friday and I think i'm going to ask they take one out. Got all 4 of mine through and non are causing any pain , but at the back of the top left one I can feal that part of it has broken away so I think i'll try and get it sorted before anything does start hurting.

When do they usual do them as soon as you tell them i.e. friday or would they usualy say make an opiontment for next week etc ?

just i've got a load of work to ge sorted and don't fancy being out of action for a few days.
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