The Cycle: Frontier

11 Jul 2004

You can request access to the beta therem which is currently running..for 2 weeks i think. Comes through in about 10 mins.

The Cycle: Frontier is a free-to-play high-stakes PvPvE first-person shooter driven by suspense and danger. Prospect for resources and other riches on an abandoned alien world ravaged by a deadly storm, inhabited by monsters, and frequently raided by other ambitious Prospectors.

Seems good so far; like a lighter version of Escape from Tarkov. In space. Somthing i'm finding quite fun. EFT was too stressful for me!

Three hours and still nothing.
They’ve said on Twitter they’ve got a 6 figure back log of requests to get through. Had mine this evening after requesting it last night.

thought it was quite meh. Lots of rubber banding. Doesn’t look great, imo. Also not sure on the comparisons with EFT. Seems more The Division-esque with a bit of breaking rocks thrown in.
Agreed - Lots of rubber banding.
Seems very hard to find anything - searched for ages for the first mission to find scrap metal and just don't find anything. Does feel like a lot of wandering around at times for no great reward. Also the drop ship calling in does seem to attract people to camp the drop ships and push you as your trying to extract.
Something about "space/sci-fi" games that just have never really floated my boat.
I like the idea of the game but it's not grabbed me to keep playing it much at the moment.
Gun play is NOTHING like Tarkov, certainly doesn't give you the satisfaction with a kill like EFT.
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