The games are cheap which is awesome but... I've lost track of the size of my steam library and countless games I've bought this last year and not played!
I last few years I only brought about 10 games, and only 3 this year.
£1742 Current account value
£469 Total cost with sales
186 Games owned
3,305h Hours on record
34.1h Average playtime
89 Games not played
48% Games not played
Yeah I'm guilty of hoarding and not playing the games as well . I can't recall a single game I've bought at release, so all bought on crazy deep cut promos. Recently just realised I got Star craft battle chest last year and never even played it once!
Current account value
Total cost with sales
Steam level
Average price
Average price per hour
Games owned
Hours on record
Average playtime
Games not played
Games not played
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