The dangers of steam and digital distribution!

You need to make yourself one of these ;)


Or just use the built in steam categories to mark them as completed :)
Funny this thread should come up as I recently decided to tackle my unplayed Steam games.

This is how I did it:

I went onto Steamdb to bring up my stats - I think I'd played around 50% of all the games I owned. Disgusted with myself I set up an Excel spreadsheet.

I then imported all the information from my Steamdb profile into this Excel sheet. This included the game titles, time played, and steam review score as a percentage.

Now comes the laborious bit :D

I straight up deleted all games that I have played and have no intention of playing again in the future.

I also deleted every game with a 50% rating or lower. Since I had over 200 games in the backlog I decided to just be ruthless and assume that most thing with that kind of rating isn't worth my time.

Then I went through each game individually and looked it up on Google to see if it's something I could see myself actually playing for more than 5 minutes - if not: delete it.

This left me with a list of 100 or so games which I want to play, replay, or continue playing. I found it quite difficult to choose what game to play next so I came up with a solution.

I created seperate playlists catagories in Steam. Playlist 1, 2 and 3 :rolleyes: I basically have to finish the first playlist before I can move onto playlist 2. No excuses - Just get them played. I also created separate categories for online only games and games which I want to replay at some point.

I also promised myself to be ruthless when playing the games. If I'm not having fun after 30-60 minutes I get rid of it. Mark it as completed on the spreadsheet and move on. There's no point forcing myself through a game which I don't enjoy when I have 100 more sitting there not being played.

So far it seems to working out alright and I don't feel overwhelmed by it. I just play the games and have fun - or not haha.

I actually came across a little gem which I didn't even know I owned. The Detail - check it out!

How sad am I?
Funny this thread should come up as I recently decided to tackle my unplayed Steam games.

This is how I did it:

I went onto Steamdb to bring up my stats - I think I'd played around 50% of all the games I owned. Disgusted with myself I set up an Excel spreadsheet.

I then imported all the information from my Steamdb profile into this Excel sheet. This included the game titles, time played, and steam review score as a percentage.

Now comes the laborious bit :D

I straight up deleted all games that I have played and have no intention of playing again in the future.

I also deleted every game with a 50% rating or lower. Since I had over 200 games in the backlog I decided to just be ruthless and assume that most thing with that kind of rating isn't worth my time.

Then I went through each game individually and looked it up on Google to see if it's something I could see myself actually playing for more than 5 minutes - if not: delete it.

This left me with a list of 100 or so games which I want to play, replay, or continue playing. I found it quite difficult to choose what game to play next so I came up with a solution.

I created seperate playlists catagories in Steam. Playlist 1, 2 and 3 :rolleyes: I basically have to finish the first playlist before I can move onto playlist 2. No excuses - Just get them played. I also created separate categories for online only games and games which I want to replay at some point.

I also promised myself to be ruthless when playing the games. If I'm not having fun after 30-60 minutes I get rid of it. Mark it as completed on the spreadsheet and move on. There's no point forcing myself through a game which I don't enjoy when I have 100 more sitting there not being played.

So far it seems to working out alright and I don't feel overwhelmed by it. I just play the games and have fun - or not haha.

I actually came across a little gem which I didn't even know I owned. The Detail - check it out!

How sad am I?

Christ it sounds like a job!
I last few years I only brought about 10 games, and only 3 this year.

£1742 Current account value
£469 Total cost with sales
186 Games owned
3,305h Hours on record
34.1h Average playtime
89 Games not played
48% Games not played

Oi! Get of my account! :p

£1743 Current account value
£479 Total cost with sales
182 Games owned
2,384h Hours on record
21.9h Average playtime
73 Games not played
40% Games not played
Making a list of the games you have completed does help to motivate you. I started in 2014 as i had like 300 games in my account with most started and not completed.

Games Completed


Brothers a tale of 2 sons (100% achievements)
Mk story mode
Toki Tori 1 (100% achievements)
Papo and Yo (100% achievements)
Call of juarez
400 days dlc (100% achievements)
To the moon (100% achievements)
Bioshock Infinite Burial at sea pt1 dlc
Bioshock Infinite Burial at sea pt2 dlc
Resident Evil 4 + Professional Mode + Assignment Ada + Seperate Ways + Mercenaries (100% achievements)
Thomas was alone (100% achievements)
Batman Arkham City
XCOM Enemy Unknown
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Castle of illusion - (100% achievements)
Broken Sword 5 - The Serpents Curse (100% achievements)
Borderlands the pre-sequel
Metro Last Light Redux
Shadow warrior


The vanishing of Ethan Carter (100% achievements)
Resident Evil 1 Remake - Jill + Chris (100% achievements)
Tomb Raider
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
The Walking Dead 2 (100% achievements)
Half-Life 2 Update (100% achievements)
Borderlands the pre-sequel dlc plus (100% achievements)
Resident Evil 5 - professional
Alien isolation
Wolfenstein: The old blood
The Wolf Among Us (100% achievements)
Metro 2033 Redux
Mad Max
Wolfenstein: The New Order (100% achievements)


Batman Arkham Knight
Resident Evil 0
Doom 2016 - (100% achievements)
Hard Reset
Tales from the Borderlands - (100% achievements)
Bioshock 2 + Minervas den dlc
The Evil Within + Assignment dlc + Consequence dlc + Executioner dlc
Viscera Cleanup Detail: Shadow Warrior - (100% achievements)
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Bioshock remaster

Not doing too bad :cool:. Before this I'd be lucky to get through a few games per year.
Making a list of the games you have completed does help to motivate you. I started in 2014 as i had like 300 games in my account with most started and not completed.

Not doing too bad :cool:. Before this I'd be lucky to get through a few games per year.

Do you complete every game you play? Or are there some games which you just give up with after 30 minutes?

I've found myself just playing a lot of these Humble Bundle and older titles for 30 minutes or less before I delete them - I feel guilty about it lol.
I like the cost per hour calculations - Rome TW has cost me 4 pence per hour. Not bad.:cool:

Although Jedi Acadamy has cost £6.99 per hour. **** game. :(
You need to make yourself one of these ;)


I have a very lo-fi version of that (simple list of titles completed) that I started in 2003. It periodically annoys me that I didn't make a spreadsheet instead with date completed on etc and I always say "well, too late to start now". :(

I think I've commented on this before, but I hoard savegames and do come back to some games years later. Took me 2-3 years to complete Halflife, GTA:SA etc.
You know what's worse than games I've bought and not played?

Games I bought, didn't play, then looked at and thought, "Why the heck did I buy this? It's not my kind of game at all."

So I have a category called "Not interested", where I put all the games I bought and have pretty much no interest in *ever* playing :p
We really should have an option to gift Steam games that we have never played or barely played.
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