The Discontinued Snack :WHAT WOULD YOU RESURRECT?

Just out of curiosity why do these company's stop making popular products?

Also not discontinued, just not sold here, but if you ever get the chance EGO bars are very nice.
an ice cream called a maxibon.

loved them sooo much.


ZOMFG someone else remembers them>??"?"""!!!

High five my friend. Those things are the best. My bro and I were gutted when they gradually became rarer and rarer. I usually only find one every 6 months or so now, usually at obscure petrol stations. The half with the cake is soo good.

Vanilla Coke /mourn

Why Coke reckon the is no market for it yet they currently sell Zero and Diet (which since its recipe was completely changed is almost identical to Zero anyway) I don't know, but it sucks.

This too.

I think you can still buy them in Bulk only online,Not seen them for years in the shops though...dont think they are made by the same company anymore either. :(

Always the best stuff that they stop. :mad:

can still buy them in the shop round the corner from me. i'll post you a packet!!

someone (possibility KP) used to do tandoori flavoured crisps, loved them but was allergic to something in them, kept breaking out in hives but kept eating them anyway!!
I think you can still buy them in Bulk only online,Not seen them for years in the shops though...dont think they are made by the same company anymore either. :(

Brannigan's are in our vending machine at work. 80p. Robbing *****.

Also, re Fiendish Feet, my one enduring memory of them was someone putting them on the conveyer belt at the supermarket and pushing them down it, causing a screeching sound even worse than nails on a blackboard. Fiendish indeed.

I think you can still buy them in Bulk only online,Not seen them for years in the shops though...dont think they are made by the same company anymore either. :(

Always the best stuff that they stop. :mad:

WH Smiths sell these. In a foil bag, purple in colour if I remember right. The wife brings me some home from the Hospital she works at quite regular. Taste exactly the same as they did years back in the paper style bags. Like snorting mustard!
Nerds in this flavour hmmm yum yum


Think you can still get Nerds in places in the UK but not easily also this flavour has gone for good i thinks.
I remember the news papers got hold of a story that said glass was found in some packs so was recalled all of them then they kinda went away......
I agree with some of the awesome stuff in here, frufoos, trios for example.

Can't beleve nobody has mentioned Moutain Dew. Not the crappy energy version they are peddling at the minute, the genuine original. Wish that would come back. ONly place you seem to get it is overpriced import shops :(
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