The Discontinued Snack :WHAT WOULD YOU RESURRECT?

Monster Munch Spaghetti Hoops flavour

Can't find a pic, it had a blue monster on the packet.

I'm mentally tasting them now, sadly I think I'm the only one who actually liked them.
Monster Munch Spaghetti Hoops flavour

Can't find a pic, it had a blue monster on the packet.

I'm mentally tasting them now, sadly I think I'm the only one who actually liked them.

It was spaghetti sauce flavour and came at the time of much reduced in size 'Monster' Munch (when Walkers first acquired the brand).

Can you still get Caramac bars?

Gold coloured chocolate bar with a red wrapper and yellow lettering.

Don't see them anymore

Yep they sell them in my local shop.
Can you still get Caramac bars?
Yes, they sell them in most of our local supermarkets. I think the problem with loads of things these days is that although stuff is produced for some reason the local store managers decide not to stock certain things. Up here it's paprika pringles, they're still made but none of the supermarkets near me sell them :mad:

I miss:

Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby
Pillsbury Toaster Pockets
Cadburys Gambit
Fry's five centres

Not a snack but still I miss it.... BK mushroom double swiss!

Second person to say this, they are still about!!!

Tesco used to do chicken korma and rice pots, they were in square cardboard pot like containers you'd microwave for 3 minutes. Those were great.
I remember my Dad having something called "Vesta" which came with these noodle things. You put them in hot oil and they froth up like prawn crackers. God knows what that was all about.
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