What settings are you using and what res? It runs fine for me at 1440p maxed out.I'm quite conflicted so far. Crap performance compared to div1 with a 1080. Logitech headphones bug so I cant play unless I stop the logitech software. Scheduled maintenance every single time I have went to play it. Just tarring it a bit for me tbh.
We announced an unscheduled maintenance yesterday and the planned patch is now nearly ready to be deployed, it includes the following bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where players could be stuck in the wrong World Tier if they completed Strongholds without meeting the required Gear Score while in a group
- Fixed an issue where players wouldn’t be able to talk to agent Kelso at the Castle Settlement
- Fixed an issue where players could obtain multiple Ivory Keys from the same source
On top of that, we’re hoping to include the following fix into that same patch and are confident that we will be able to push it live tonight.
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to loot Supply Drops multiple times
Lastly, we are working very hard to address the crashes that are occurring and seem to be related to the Assault Drone being used while agents are in a group, as well as Skills not working properly and immediately being on a 15 second cooldown.
I'm quite conflicted so far. Crap performance compared to div1 with a 1080. Logitech headphones bug so I cant play unless I stop the logitech software. Scheduled maintenance every single time I have went to play it. Just tarring it a bit for me tbh.
The timing could have been better with the maintenance. a 1080 considering the graphics in the game should be far more than adequate and the graphics do not look that much different considering 3 years have passed. But hey its an opinion and you know what they say about those.
I get most of mine from boxes, SO many things to loot in this, a simple A to B mission can take me 2 hours because I am constantly stopping/running off in a different direction to loot a bag or a box lol
If you want to join up and don't mind comms via in game chat then your welcome to tag along.Me too then
I edititd my post as it was not above but the previous page lol
I played TD1 solo for 99% of it so I'll do the same with this
Me too then
Ha, that’s like me. I would love to join the clan, but then that promotes rushing up the levels and running quick through missions.
I like to take my time and experience all the little details. If I walk into a room, I’m reading posters and graffiti messages and looking in the floor at all the devastation and bodies. Like you, if I’m running towards a mission, I get severely sidetracked with all the candy to collect. Loot boxes, materials.....oh a boss....oh, wonder if I can climb up here. By the time a few hours have passed, I ain’t done a lot, though I have succeeded in escapism and for that, it keeps me happy.
I may have to look at joining clans for end game, unless I can join for my steady flow of contributions.
Have fun people, I’m still waiting for my code to come through. Least there will be less bugs by the time I’m on
I just watched some literally just blitzing through the game on a playthru because they in a group, they dont need to worry about survivability and everyone just enters every area with all guns blazing. It doesnt look like there is extra enemies or much harder at all, instead the game just seems 10x easier for groups. I think if a solo is expected to clear out 15 enemies with them all flanking etc. then a group of 4 should be dealing with 60.
Thats me also, over 30 hours in the game and i am not even level 10 yet.
How is it possible to have 30 hours and be level 10? Just walking around looking at things and basically doing no missions/side missions etc or killing?
58 hours here, wt4 and max gearscore - I don't think I missed an awful lot tbh
Those looking for performance tweaks may find this useful.
The following Settings have very little impact of performance:
Sharpening, Particle Detail, Reflection Quality, Vegetation Quality, Sub-Surface Scattering, Depth of Field, Lens Flare, Vignette Effect, Water Quality, Chromatic Aberration, Projected Texture Resolution, High Resolution Sky Textures, and Terrain Quality. In all instances, these can all be set to High and you should notice no performance decrease (at most, 1 or 2 fps lost)
The following Settings have only a moderate impact on performance:
Shadow Quality, Contact Shadows, Parallax Mapping, Ambient Occlusion, and Extra Streaming Distance. This is primarily because of the fact they add a higher quality to your existing settings, and a layer of polish that makes The Division 2 stand out.
The following Settings have a heavy impact on performance:
Spot Shadows, Spot Shadow Resolution, Resolution Scale, Volumetric Fog, Local Reflection Quality, Anisotropic Filtering, Object Detail. All of these can significantly reduce performance, and all will see you gain significant fps if you tweak them.